
Sangha Capital closes AI healthcare investment

AMYP is pleased to see a new Sangha Capital deployment in the healthcare sector, addressing the many people and communities in the UK and USA without access to good healthcare. Sangha has announced that they participated in a new investment round in “Dyad”, a London based AI company who is aimed at patient care, increasing efficiency, and boosting collaboration between health care professionals, departments, and organizations.

With the Codepilot application that DYAD has created, they combine knowledge graphs and machine learning to find new approaches to old problems such as master member indexing, automatic claims adjudication and fraud detection. Codepilot can also provide a full practice plan pre-loaded into a task manager with actionable steps to amend mistakes and claim missing income. Dyad is already present in more than a dozen healthcare practices across the UK and the US and are on track to generate $1M in ARR by Q3 2022.


Dyad’s co-founders are Dr. Steven Hambli and Dr. Alexander Tayler, who have over 15 years combined experience building data science and AI companies in e-commerce, supply chain and healthcare. They previously worked together as CEO and CTO of supply chain optimisation start-up called Clear AI. The team is backed by Sangha Capital and some of the most successful early-stage tech investors in Silicon Valley.

AMYP is also excited to see that Bill Tai, the Sangha Capital co-founder, this week was profiled as one of the world’s leading early-stage investors by “Business Insider”. Trained as a computer-chip designer, Bill Tai joined the semiconductor industry after college and rode a wave of tech innovation through his work as an angel investor. Bill backed over 20 start-ups that grew to become publicly traded companies, and he wrote one of the first checks to Zoom in 2011. The same year he invested in Zoom, Tai met Canva’s founder while judging a pitch contest, and he offered to make introductions to his network of investors. Today, the $40 billion design start-up is one of the most valuable start-ups in the world, with funding from Sequoia, Bessemer, and Tai.

Toni Piëch and AMYP are excited to keep supporting and funding Sangha Capital.

More about Sangha Capital here:

Business Insider article on Bill Tai here:

More about Dyad here:

